13 Feb 2014

Four Ways To Help UK Flood Victims

Hi All,

If, like me, you want to help all those affected by the floods and storms in the UK this year (and last), here are all the links I've found that help you donate, volunteer and support those in need. 

**VOLUNTEER with www.floodvolunteers.co.uk**

Have you got time, supplies, skills, housing or literally anything else to offer?
Sign up with www.floodvolunteers.co.uk and offer what you can. 
Those in need can search the site and reach out to you for what they want. 

Devon Community Foundation Flood Fund 
Somerset Emergency Flood Appeal Relief Fund 
38 Degrees UK Flood Relief Fund
Flood of Love Fund 
Red Cross
Flood Wings - Somerset

**OFFER HOUSING/BEDS with www.airbnb.co.uk/disaster/ukflood**

Can you offer a room or beds for those in need?
Sign up with AirBnB fto offer the space and all service fees are waived for those affected by the disaster and checking in between Feb 11 2014 + Mar 11 2014. 

**HELP FARMERS with www.camgrain.co.uk/help-flooded-farmers**

Are you or do you know a farmer able to donate a tonne crops, silage, wheat etc? 
Click the link above to find out how to help fellow farmers whose livelihoods are threatened by the floods.

Hope that helps - if you find more links that you think should be listed above, please comment below or tweet @stupidgirl45

Stay safe folks,
