3 Jan 2012

Generation Why Not Blog Awards 2011.....

So, I've gotten a fair few blogging awards this year and I thought it was time to give the love back!

I follow a whole bunch of blogs and tweeps - some of whom are very much deserving of an award for their fabulousness. If you have received an award, please feel free to stick the below image on your blog! If you want an email version, just shout... (well commenting below is actually probably more effective unless you live within shouting distance of me)

This Blog Is So Funny I Snorted Tea Out of My Nose Award: I Know, I Need To Stop Talking from the wonderful @pinkyaks

Most Useful for Anyone Who Writes Award: Novel Publicity and the amazing, inspiring and simply brilliant all round goddess that is @emlynchand

Best Champion of Bloggers + Tweeters: The incredibly wonderful and supportive @wilkravitz of the Vampire Wonderland blog who comments on all my blog posts and frequently recommends me to people. Come to London Billy, I'll buy you a beer!

#Guessthatchoon Champion: This was a tough one but the ultimate champion has to be @melancholieC for her encyclopedic music knowledge (that or extra fast ability with Google)

Most Inspiring Blogger Award: 
This was so hard to choose so I've ended up awarding it to DemonWrangling 101 for being simply amazing and inspiring and an amazing mum. Check out my interview with her here...
And also to Betty Herbert for writing a book that I didn't even realise how much I needed to read. And for being liberating and inspiring and honest about sex. Check out the book review here and the interview with Betty here...

Best Local Blogger Award: This goes to the ever glamorous, talented and articulate Siren of Brixton. Here's to lots more margaritas, parties, red lipstick and campaigning!

Best Campaigning Blog: Voices for the Library. For no other reason than being simply the best cause that I have ever had the pleasure of championing. Without my library I wouldn't be here, writing this blog. I might not even be around at all. Love your libraries folks. Save them and cherish them.

Best Blog Post of The Year Award: This hysterical post from none other than my genius baby sister who got all the looks, talent, brains and writing ability in the family. A hilarious piss take of what glamour models have to say about current affairs.

Overcoming Adversity Award: This has to go to @theotheralig of The Other Ali G blog for overcoming a horrid year with such style, humour and grace.

Congratulations folks, hope you like the award!

Thank you and good night

Stupidgirl has left the building

2 Jan 2012

New Year's Resolutions....and other unoriginal blog titles

Um, so Happy 2012 folks! :) I can't believe it's 2012 already. It doesn't even sound like a real year - and neither did 2009, 2010 or 2011 either really!

Anyway it's here and also, I've now been blogging (on and off) for a whole year. So yay - happy blog birthday to the blog and you lovely readers - I couldn't have done it without you all. I know i've been an erratic blogger but I am so touched that you all have stuck around to read my rambling and pictures of me looking hot + sweaty climbing. I hope that 2012 will be even better.

Last year I didn't make any resolutions other than to have more fun. Which I did! So this year, I thought I'd have a go at making some specific resolutions. Aside from the usual eat less/do more + spend less/save more these are...

1) Learn how to do little cat flicks with my liquid eyeliner
2) Learn how to apply liquid eyeliner one handed on the bus/train (as I can now do this with pencil) this means more time in bed.
3) Climb/blog/visit the gym 2 x a week each
4) Take a belly dancing class (and possibly a course)
5) Cook a new recipe every week (and blog the results if possible)
6) Finish my nanowrimo book goddamit.
7) Meet some of the readers of this blog (that I haven't already) - comment below if you want to do this!
8) Take a burlesque class
9) Keep a record of all my climbs so I can stop faffing around, pretending that I'm not a climber and instead start climbing 6a and lead climbing regularly. And not just climbing slabs would be good tooo (I don't mean slabs of chocolate, I mean the shape of a climbing wall/rock face!!)
10) Get my eyebrows threaded every month instead letting my mono brow take over my face. Oh and paint my nails every week.

Are you making any resolutions for 2012? If so, do share!!

Thank you and goodnight

Stupidgirl has left the building