Today's list practically had me tearing my hair out in frustration. At one point I had 30+ songs on this list and have somehow managed to slice it down to 10 songs. I've listened to 80's songs all afternoon whilst eating a packet of mini donuts. It really is a tough job blogging - I've had to have a glass of restorative vino, I'm sure you understand this is a tough job and was entirely neccessary. I am not, in anyway advocating blogging when you're tipsy. No way, not at all.....
So, back to *the* list - my top 10 favourite 80's tunes. Now, to clarify, this is a not
a `serious` list. I went for synthesizers, big hair, cheese - basically stuff that reminds me of being a kid and puts a big smile on my face. After *the* list there is a short round up of the also-rans, just so know what was considered. Please don't judge me too harshly after this (well after this, you should know where to set your expectations - I'm just ah, `managing` them for you :P)
Top 10 Eighties Tunes
1) We Built This City - Starship Um, i love it, pure and simple. It's got big hair, `crunchy` guitar wail-y bits and the classic line `Knee deep in the hoopla`. Not sure what hoopla is, but I'm guessing we've all been knee deep in it at some point. This is, bizarrely, one of my favourite songs to do the washing up to.....
2) Nothing's Gonna stop us - Starship Er, yes, more Starship. But it is from Mannequin - a genius premise for a film if ever I heard one. This song makes me smile so much as it reminds me of dancing my socks off with some amazing friends from uni. Katie, Cheryl, Jo-Jo Flasher, Claire-Bear, this one's for you my lovelies!
3) Like a Prayer - Madonna Couldn't have an 80's list without a bit of the pointy-bra'd one, La Gaga has nothing on her IMO and Like a Prayer is just so great! Amazing video with Madonna looking her most, well, authentic actually. I think she looks so beautiful. I could go into a big discussion about the political statement this video made but I won't. I'll just say that this is the first time I heard a gospel choir sing on a pop record - and it is AWESOME. I always sing along to this and it's a fab karaoke tune.
4) Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler I've sung along to this song more times than I care to think of but the best one was singing along, in a pub, at a book launch with a lesbian football team. Anyway wtf is the video all about and how freakin scary is it (and not just Bonnie's giant hair). Those weird-ass choir boys with the scary eyes spook me everytime. However, there is a `literal version` of the video about and it is HYSTERICALLY FUNNY. Check it out
here. I guarantee you will be CRYING with laughter. Oh yes.
5) Sweet Child of Mine - Guns N Roses This is pretty much my favourite song. It always makes me smile. Aside from my vows + first dance, one of the highlights of my wedding was dancing to this with *all* my girlfriends, so awesome. Also, I have a crush on Axl Rose. Sorry. I know that's appalling. Not on the way he looks now obvs, but back then. In his tight, white cycling
6) Rush Hour - Jane Wiedlin Erm, for a long time I thought this really was a song about being stuck in traffic. But with lines like `Feel it getting hot in here/Feel me getting close to you dear/Slow motion moving you, moving me`, I realised she might be talking about er, something else entirely. Anyway sex or cars, it's all the same to men and this is a great track!
7) I Just Can't Get Enough - Depeche Mode I'm still in shock that this song is by Depeche Mode - I only found this out about 6 months ago. I mean how can the people who made Enjoy the Silence have made this, I mean it's far too happy and cheery and er, boppy with it's lovely electronic sound. Anyway, I love this, it reminds me of being very small indeed as it ahem, came out the year I was born...
8) If I could turn back time - Cher I know, it's a bit norty mentioning this one, seeing as I have blogged about this
before too. But it's sooooooooooooooo great. I'm singing along to it in my sitting room. I expect you all to as well. Particularly my sister and mum if they catch this post. And also a certain New Yorker with a pajima. I hope I didn't hurt her feelings. Sorry poor taste to mention a personal joke but, this song reminds me of New York in such a big way. For those who don't know, my family moved there for awhile when I was a kid and we have close friends over there. One of whom *loves* this song!
9) Working 9 to 5 - Dolly Parton We've all had jobs that SUCKED ASS haven't we. Well this is the anthem for those jobs and Dolly Parton gets it spot on with the lyrics in this one oh yes: "They just use your mind/And never give you credit ...for service and devotion/you would think that I/would deserve a fair promotion". Oh it's just so awesome. And Dolly just rocks. Personally I also love her country version of I will always love you too. It's cute.
10) Bette Davis Eyes - Kim Carnes Another music video with misty curtain and blondes with big hair. But this track too reminds me of being a little kid, mainly because we always used to tell my sister she had Bette Davis eyes. So yes, this song makes me smile A LOT.
So that's it - that's the list. There were so many choices for this though, more Madonna, Adam Ant, Wacko Jacko, Duran Duran, Frankie Says Relax and I didn't even touch the serious music even though I love U2's Joshua Tree album. But this was just *my* favourites so please, comment below, tell me where I went wrong and tell me *your* favourites!
Thank you and good night
Stupidgirl has left the building
PS Thanks to all the tweeties that joined the virtual twitter party to share donuts, cocktails and their favourite 80's tunes!